Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Ken McCoy Live in Victoria BC

Here is a clip from a show we did in Victoria BC May 12 2012 The crowd was nuts it was so much fun! 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Jango Jango Radio is a great way for Musicians to get there airplay heard and build fans all over the world. You build your own Radio Station with music, vids, bio and pictures and then you can target your music to match artist that are similar to your style. Say you are a rock band and your sound is along the lines of Bon Jovi then then you would add Bon Jovi as one of your target bands. so people listening Bon Jovi's music will hear your music and if they like it add your radio station.
You can also target geographic area say you want to promote heavy in Texas target texas and a lot of your plays will be in Texas. A great way to promote and build fans in an area specially if your heading to Texas to do some shows.
It worth checking out here is my station if you become a listener I hope you will add my have a listen and add my station

Performance Dates

Performing in Victoria BC May 12th 2012 with good friend Brent Lee The Show is SOLD OUT! and will be a blast Always is when playing Victoria and with Brent. Next week May 18 to 20 Will be performing at Cloverdale Rodeo with Dr. Strangelove and May 26 Clinton Rodeo