Monday, April 19, 2010


What do you think about country radio today actually any radio,Rock, MOR, Pop, satellite, internet?
I have to say of late I don't listen radio much because I really don't like what I hear, specially country. There are a few artist that are standing out with good material but a lot of it sounds very bubblegum to me and a lot of it sounds the same as well as it is hard to tell one artist from another. I do listen to country 107 in abbotsford BC they play a great mix of old, new and local artist. I do listen to the shore 104.3 playing a mix of Rock rhythm and bit of everything else too. I have also seen the play list from Bruce Leperre in Dauphin MB he also plays a great mix. I know there are more out there throughout the world that play great music and the need to be found.

The question is if you don't like radio today who do you blame is it Nashville ( the record labels) for sending out the artists and songs to radio, Do they take the time to find artists that have longevity. Instead of one hit wonders that look good on TV Cause we all know that we listen with our eyes that is until we see some of these acts live and then.... Or do you blame Radio for playing it and for caving into the consultants in New York telling us that this is what we want to hear. Maybe it is the listener who doesn't like it but does nothing about it, like turning it off or letting the station know or contacting the advertisers saying we are not listening to that station anymore because of the quality of music.

I remember talking to one Music director about songs and artists and we were talking about one artist in general. He had just added this person's song that was not very good at all and he admitted it as well and I asked him why and he said it was because he was a popular artist.... NO NO NO if the song sucks you don't play it. How many other stations do this?

I really believe that there is a lot of great music out there that is not making it to the masses and a lot of crap that is. What is it that can be done to turn it around or can it be? Maybe its just me and I am getting old and just want substance in my music. I would love know what most of all fans think as well as industry.


  1. When I was promoting my first recordings, I drove across Canada and visited as many country stations as I could. They were unfailingly gracious and I could be assured of a few plays. Canada is such a large country with small pockets of fans, you need to reach out. But, it isn't economically possible to do that today. I'll check iTunes for new artists and Amazon, knowing I'll never hear my favorites on radio. They have their commercial considerations and their target is 30- something women working from home and half listening to radio music, half commercials. I don't fit that demographic by a long shot. Fortunately, the internet has made connecting with artists and newly discovered music possible. I made a thousand CD's of my latest project (Acoustic Flatpick Guitar)but am getting the most sales from digital downloads from iTunes. So, I am still in the game, but the rules have changed - you gotta fish where the fish are!

    Thanks for blogging and keep on making music!

    Cheers, Steve

  2. I find that more and more, I find myself listening to my I-Pod and not to radio. For exactly the reasons you say, as well as because there seems to be too much chatter and ads.
    On the upside... all your albums ARE on my I-Pod !!! LOL

  3. Ken, You should ask my son in law Chris. He was the program director her at the beat a few years ago and then went to start another station in Saskatoon. He will tell you which way radio is headed. He is pretty sharp. He keepos getting poached to other radio companies so he is in demand alot. Maybe he knows something. I can tell you where to find him easily to ask a few questions if it helps. He helped Adam H who procduced Loverboys most recent album.
    Wes (aka BC Boy)

  4. hmm the old thing...or maybe we are really striving for what made us feel good growing up?
    I hardly ever listen to the radio anymore...I couldn't tell you who the up and coming artists are. I do find myself listening to CBC because my husband has it on in his truck...I do listen to 107 via internet at work during lunch. Other than that...I put on the cable classic country station on when I am home alone because the hubby can't stand it...or listen to the mixes that Hubby has put together ranging from 50 60 70's rock and a few other current songs mixed in. I am tired of commericals and I know that's what the station needs to work...but I just don't want to listen to them. I am the same with TV...I now watch alot of movies instead of tv shows.
    I think as you get older you start to realize you don't need to waste your time listening or watching commericals! I have better things to read other people's Blogs LOL
    I can tell you that I do buy alot of CD's that are Canadian and local for that matter. Some of the music is not my style and that really doesn't matter! I support Canadian talent whenever I can!

  5. I must be living in the dark ages! I still listen to local radio. I feel to disconnected from my community if I don't tune in.

    3 things that, for me make a great station are;
    1 A good playlist with some local talent.
    2 Funny, entertaining DJ's.
    3 Quick local updates on news and community happenings every hour.

    3 things that get me to tune a station out are;
    1 Annoying or boring DJ's. JR could use some help here
    2 To much talk between songs. I had the Fox on the other morning during my 1/2 hr commute. I heard 2 songs and not back to back!
    3 Crap music. Come on Radio, don't play a crap song just because it's performed by a big name and wake up on the local talent! We like to hear local artists the same way we like to see the local sports teams do well. We are Canadian and will always vote for the home team. We will always have a place in our hearts for local artists. Those guys at 107 out in Abbotsford are on to something.

    My 3 favorite local stations are;
    100.3 in Victoria. Classic Rock, Great DJ's
    107 Country in Abbotsford, Down Home feeling
    The Wolf in Seattle, though not much Canadian content.

  6. @Verno, nice! I work across the hall from 100.3 The Q! on The Zone. Good people here for sure.
